Friday, January 23, 2009

Fish and Chips

We started our classes this week and I have to say that I am truly overwhelmed!  We have a whole lot of papers to write and books to read.  Although, I am very excited about the material it is over.  I am taking Christian Worship, Christianity and Culture, Oxford Through the Ages, Great Britain (INTS), Intro to Philosophy, and Walking for Fitness.
In our Christian Worship class we are required to visit 5 different churches.  I plan to visit a mosque and some Christian and Catholic churches to observe different ways of worship.  For my INTS class we are to volunteer somewhere while we are in Oxford.  I have just finished my first day volunteering at Oxfam--a second-hand store somewhat like our version of goodwill.  Surprisingly they put me on the "till" (register) for my first day!  After making a couple of mistakes (typical of a first day), I feel as though I am finally getting the hang of it.  Plus, the managers and workers there are very nice.  
So as of my last blog I have officially eaten fish and chips.  Very tasty!  I ate them at a famous pub called,"The Eagle and Child."  Included with my meal were some mushy peas in which they actually refer to them on the menu as "mushy peas."  Here are photos:

Enough of my food ratings.  In my Oxford Through the Ages class we toured New College--just one of the 39 campuses of Oxford University.  It is absolutely gorgeous!  It still amazes me how old everything is in Oxford.  I took some pictures from our tour...

... I can't wait to tour more of Oxford and its beautiful campuses.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

I Made it!!

I am finally beginning my journey!  I can't believe it!  I arrived on Thursday and have already been in Oxford for a full day.  I absolutely love it so far!  The fact that I am living in a foreign country has yet to hit me.  

So today I went out on the town.  I toured Oxford and took lots of pictures!!  Or at least until my batteries died (lesson no. 1: bring extra batteries).  I visited places that C.S. Lewis used to visit, including his church and "The Eagle and Child," a local pub.  Jet lag is still lingering over me but hopefully not for long.  I went to a sandwich shop last night for dinner and fell in love with it! I ate an amazing baguette panini with chicken and brie for only 2 pounds.  The women who run the shop are very sweet and love to talk to all the ACU students that come by.  I will probably be visiting often.  

We start school on Monday and I can't wait to delve into Oxford through the Ages to learn more about the history and architecture of the buildings I have been taking pictures of.  Also to visit all Oxford's beautiful churches.  I've had to adjust to certain things like, people driving on the left side (they even walk on the left side of the sidewalk), different terminology (example: to line-up is to "queue" up), and the appliances.  It has already been an adventure!

Here are some pictures:
One of Oxford's famous photo shots and the sandwich shop I visited.